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Supreme Court supports voter suppression, guts opportunity for justice and equity for all voters.


Part 2 of 3


The Supreme Court gutted the heart of the Voting Rights Act, and gave Shelby County the right to execute laws of suppression. This case allowed white supremacy legislator to suppress equity to people by denying uninhibited voting opportunities to person of color. The court allowed counties to pass laws without clearing them with the Justice Department, this removal of clearance opened the door to sophisticated as well as bold acts of suppression. In the recent Supreme Court case, the court finished pulling the teeth in the Voting Rights Act. The state admitted they were passing laws to suppress and make it more difficult for people to vote in order to win elections and remain in power. Judge Alito was quite clear in his majority opinion. It is okay to pass laws of suppression to maintain power and limit voting of person of color. The court approves your actions and turns a blind eye.


There is no need to clear anything with the justice department. The good old boys in the South have learned their lesson. They will do the right thing--no need to check on laws or approve their actions. You are free now "white racist, voter suppressors, and supremacist".You have the courts blessings--do your thing. Thousands rejoiced at the court's decision .Legislators stayed up late at night writing and passing laws of suppression and abuse of human dignity.


Judge Alito wears a black robe on the outside,but now one may wonders is there a white sheet under his black robe after reading his opinion. The courts opinion for minorities is a flash back to the 1940 ans 50's and the "good old boys days of Jim Crow" in which minority complaint was completely ignored. Alito writing for the majority appear to present that viewpoint in sophisticated revised form. The simple message was clear. Vote suppressor and legislators will go unchecked,voting restrictions that disproportionately affect minorities and voters of color are legal. Do your suppression thing, the law is on your side. If persons of color want democracy, and desire voting rights, they must fight again the battles of the 1960's. You cannot control persons "in" office; but you can control who you "put in" office and who you "vote out". Suppression legislators , racist, and anti democracy believers know this. That is why they are working hard, day and night, and passing legislation to suppress your vote. Democrats and others must vote out republicans immediately. If they delay, more suppressive and offensive laws will take effect. At the present pace, it will not matter how you voter, or who you voted for, the white power structure will throw out any vote they do not desire, and say to America, its the law.


Too many white people want to consider the white bedtime story. The bedtime story that allows some legislators to write their own version of voter abuse and civil rights violations. Their story does not look at facts,but want the feel good story version--so they don't face the bitter cruel facts of their racism and other ills. When light shines on darkness, lying lips, and some racist policy holders run from the light,because light exposes injustice, guilt,bias, racism, myths, and evil. All of which describes white supremacist,the courts two-third so-called conservative view and others.


The question must be raised what is the need to have the majority in the house, the senate, and the white house if you can't use it for good? To eliminate injustice, support civil rights, and promote a more perfect union. The republicans would have long blown up the filibuster to get things done their way."Moscow Mitch" will do anything in his power to get his way. Does anyone really believe the republicans are going to cooperate on any thing positive. How long and how many times does anyone have to point out that McConnell kept the Supreme Court seat open for a year to allow for white supremacist thinking, restrictive rights believers, and supporters of that viewpoint to occupy the bench.

What is the view point of racist, supremacist, so-called Conservative, and conspiracy advocates on voter suppression?



Part 3 Conservative vs Racist : Different Socks Same Shoes